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What to Expect During the Dental Implants Procedure

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Dental implants in Raleigh are one of the best long-term solutions for effective tooth replacement, offering a range of benefits. Experience the advantages of dental implants through the expert surgical procedure provided by trusted professionals in Raleigh.

Dental implants in Cary offer highly functional, durable, and stable solutions for individuals with missing teeth. These implants are designed to integrate with the jawbone, providing a natural-looking and seamless replacement that is often indistinguishable from the original tooth. However, it is important to be well-prepared for the dental implant procedure to ensure a successful outcome.

In a previous blog post, we discussed the importance of dental implants and why they are necessary . In this article, we will focus on what you can expect during the dental implant procedure. The process typically involves careful planning, surgical placement of the implant, and a healing period to allow for proper integration with the jawbone. During the planning phase, your dentist will evaluate your oral health, take x-rays or scans, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are advanced dental prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth. They are designed to mimic the natural structure and function of a tooth root. Composed of biocompatible materials, typically titanium, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the surrounding bone through a process called osseointegration. This integration provides a stable foundation for the artificial tooth or crown that is attached to the implant.

Dental implants offer several advantages over traditional tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges.

  • They provide superior stability and durability, allowing individuals to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
  • Implants also prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can occur when a tooth is lost and the underlying bone is not stimulated.
  • Implants do not rely on adjacent teeth for support, unlike bridges, which help preserve the natural structure of surrounding teeth.

Understanding the Dental Implants Procedure:

Dental implants are considered a long-term solution for tooth loss, offering a permanent and aesthetically pleasing option. While they require regular oral hygiene practices and routine dental check-ups, implants have a high success rate and can greatly enhance an individual's quality of life by restoring oral function and appearance

The implant procedure is typically performed in multiple stages, involving careful planning, implant placement surgery, and a healing period to ensure proper integration with the jawbone. After the implant has fused with the bone, a connector called an abutment is attached, which serves as the anchor for the artificial tooth or crown.

Pre-Surgery Procedures for Dental Implants in Raleigh:

Before the surgery, your dentist will numb the infected site via local anesthesia. This is a partial sedation that will keep you comfortable during the surgical process. Once you are sedated, the dentist in Cary will drill into the area of the missing tooth. A slit is made into your gum to plant the implant right into your

jawbone. Once the implant is done, your dentist will stitch the gum back over the implant.

If you have a history of hypertension and anxiety, then it is natural to get stressed out a bit during the process. So, prepare yourself well and gather sufficient information about the procedure in advance so you can relax and not panic.

Ask as many questions as you have about the procedure with general dentistry in Raleigh to ensure that your concerns are cared for well.

You may feel drowsy if you have been sedated using an IV.

Post-Surgery: Managing Discomfort and Healing After Dental Implants Procedure:

You can expect some discomfort while your gums heal from the implant procedure. There may be pain, swelling on your face and gums alone, and occasional bleeding from the area of the implant.

However, you can be worry-free from these if you ensure to go to an experienced dentist near me in Cary like Dr. Charles Ferzli who has handled multiple dental implant procedures to date.

Expect to continue on a soft diet to let the implant heal. Also, proper brushing and flossing will help you maintain your implant for a long time.

Dental Implants in Raleigh and Cary: A Long-Term Solution for Tooth Loss

Dental implants in Raleigh and Cary offer a reliable and lasting solution for individuals experiencing tooth loss, resulting in both functional and natural-looking outcomes. The procedure involves thorough planning, a surgical intervention, and a healing period to ensure the successful integration of the implant with the jawbone. While some discomfort and healing time can be expected after the surgery, seeking the expertise of a skilled dentist like Dr. Charles Ferzli in Cary guarantees proper care and guidance throughout the entire process. Adhering to good oral hygiene practices and following a soft diet contribute to the healing process and the long-term success of the implant. By choosing dental implants, you can effectively restore your smile and regain full oral function with the assistance of trusted professionals in general dentistry in Raleigh and Cary.

To embark on your journey toward dental implants, contact us at (919) 646-6538 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Charles Ferzli today.

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Smiles of Cary Family Dentistry

  • 1150 NW Maynard Rd,
    STE 120, Cary
    NC 27513
  • (919) 646-6538
  • Monday: 8am – 5pm Tuesday: 9am – 6pm Wednesday: 8am – 5pm Thursday: 9am – 5pm Friday: 8am – 1pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed
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